Our Eyes UP LW! Digital Wellness Awareness Campaign concluded last weekend with the 24 hour pledge event in conjunction with the National Day of Unplugging. You will continue to find the tips and tools we highlighted over the campaign on our website.

We would LOVE to hear what tips you tried, how it went and reflections on your 24 hour respite or on the campaign in general! Fill out this survey with your stories and ideas for how we could make this program even better.

If you would like to see us repeat this event next year – we need volunteers to help! Please email president@lwhsptsa.org if you are interested or would like to hear more about the ideas we have to make it even more engaging when students are actually in the classroom.

Still looking for more reasons to Unplug?

Phone Free Day is March 19, 2021

Screen-Free Week is May 3-9, 2021

Digital Wellness Day is May 7, 2021